Group News

December 2024

We are delighted to share that Maryam Adegbite-Badmus will be joining our team. Welcome Maryam, we are looking forward to doing fun science with you!🎉

Silvia has been awarded the 2025 Emily M. Gray Award of the Biophysical Society for her student mentoring at all levels, innovations in course development, and promotion of diversity and inclusion in the field of biophysics. You can read more about this award at:     Congratulations on receiving this special honor, Silvia!!👍🤩


November 2024

We are delighted to share that Anubhab’s poster for the Biophysical Society Meeting was selected for a platform oral presentation! We are also happy to welcome Ji Ho Jeong as a new addition the group. Congrats Anubhab and welcome to our team Ji Ho!! 🎊🤩


May 2024

We are happy to share that Evan has been awarded a 2024 National Science Foundation REU Research Fellowship. Truly impressive Evan, congratulations!!!! 🤩🤩


April 2024

We are happy to share that Akshata Moorthy will be joining the Cavagnero group. Welcome to the team Akshata!! 🎊

I am delighted to share that Jin has been selected as an oral speaker at the 17th Midwest Protein Folding Meeting at Notre Dame University. Wonderful honor, Jin!!!😊

I am happy to share  that Sofia received a 2024 Sophomore Research Fellowship to do research in out lab this summer. Well done, Sofia!!!👍


December 2023

I am delighted to share that our PhD Alumna Rachel Hutchison has accepted a faculty position at her Alma Mater, Roberts Wesleyan University, Department of Chemistry. Rachel will start her academic journey there in the fall 2024. Congratulations, Rachel!!! 

More great news: I am happy to share that Neomi Millan, Anubhab Halder and Evan Schmidt have joined the Cavagnero group. Welcome to our team, Neomi, Anubhab and Evan!!! 🎉

I am happy to share some wonderful news: Shapla and Tony have been awarded the 2024 Travel Award by the Biophysical Society to attend the 2024 Biophysical Society Meeting in February 2024. Congratulations to both of you!!! 👍


July 2023

I am delighted to announce that Meranda Masse, a recent PhD graduate from the Cavagnero group, has won the 2023 Americal Chemical Society Award on Mentoring, a prestigious National Award. This recognition is officially denoted as the  2023 ACS National Graduate Student Leadership Awards in CDEI and Mentoring under the 2023 ACS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars Recognition Program . You can read more about this award at:           Well done Meranda, congratulations!!! 🎊


May 2023

I am happy to share that Sofia has been awarded a 2023 National Science Foundation REU Research Fellowship. Truly impressive, Sofia, congratulations!!! 👌


April 2023

I am delighted to announce that Mridula won the 2023 Sophomore Research Award and the Martha Gunhild Week Summer Research Award. Wow, great job, Mridula, way to go!!!😊


February 2023

Siyu won the 2023 ENC Travel Stipend Award to attend the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) in April 223. Well done! And congratulations from all of us, Siyu! 🎉


December 2022

Congratulations to Valeria for taking a new job at Catalent. We are proud of you, Valeria! 👍


April 2022

Congratulations to Silvia for receiving the 2022 Outstanding Mentorship Award from the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), Division of Chemistry! 😊

Congratulations to Jasmine and Lucas for winning the 2022 Hilldale Research Fellowship. Amazing job, Jasmine and Lucas; way to go! 🎊

Congratulations to Valeria for winning the 2022 GSFLC Mentoring Award. We are so proud of you, Valeria; well done! 👌

Congratulations to Jasmine for winning the 2022 American Chemical Society (Wisconsin local section) Undergraduate Award in Excellence in Chemistry. Fantastic honor, Jasmine, well done!  🎉

Congratulations to Chelsea for winning the 2022 American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry. Amazing achievement, Chelsea, well done!  


March 2022

Quadruple congratulations to Jasmine for being awarded the Martha Gunhild Week Scholarship, the Martha Gunhild Week Summer Scholarship, the Ieva L. Reich Undergraduate Scholarship and the Karen M. Telander Undergraduate Research Award. Fantastic job, Jasmine! 

Congratulations to Kaela and Lucas, who won the 2022 Margaret McLean Bender Scholarship and the Dempsky Scholarship, respectively. Well done, Kaela and Lucas! 

Many congratulations to Rachel for winning the 2022 Ina S. and Stanley B. Mirviss Mentor Award, recognizing Rachel’s exceptional mentoring skills. Congrats to Chelsea too, who nominated Rachel for this award. Well done, Rachel and Chelsea! 

Congratulations to Jasmine Machhi for the honor of presenting her research project on protein folding in the presence of the Hsp70 molecular chaperone at the “Research in the Rotunda” event, this month. The “Research in the Rotunda” activities were held at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison (WI) and were attended by STEM scholars, non-science-oriented legislators, as well as by top University officials and Wisconsin state leaders. Well done, Jasmine! 


February 2022

Quadruple congratulations to Rachel for receiving the following four prestigious awards this month: the Ralph F. Hirschmann – Daniel H. Rich Research Award in Chemistry, the BPS and the GSFLC Travel Awards to attend the  Biophysical Society Meeting in February 2022, and the Student Research Achievement Award (SRAA) by the Biophysical Society for her research-poster presentation on the role of the Hsp70 chaperone in co- and immediately post-translational protein folding. We are really proud of you, Rachel!


December 2021

A heartfelt welcome to Siyu Li, Shapla Ummay and Heather Allaman who joined the Cavagnero group this month. We are looking forward to doing lots of exciting science together!


October 2021

Congrats to Justin for being awarded the 2021 UW-Madison Outstanding Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award. Great job Justin, we are proud of you!!! 


May 2021

Congrats to Valeria, Rachel and Meranda, who have received a 2021 Diversity Award from the Protein Society. Also, congratulations to Chelsea, who was selected to give an oral presentation at the upcoming Protein Society Symposium in July 2021.   Great job, Valeria, Meranda, Rachel an Chelsea!!!


April 2021

Congratulations to the Cavagnero-group undergraduate students who won summer-research awards, fellowships and scholarships this year. You won so many awards and we are incredibly proud of you, Jasmine, NIngkun, Gordon and Chelsea!!!

March 2021

Congratulations to Hanming for being the co-recipient of the 2021 K.V. Reddy Award in Physical Chemistry for his work in Laser- and LED-enhanced NMR spectroscopy method development. Nice achievement, Hanming! 👌

Hanming’s latest paper on the increase in nuclear hyperpolarization enhancement upon addition of trace amounts of reductive radical quenchers (like vitamin C) to NMR samples has been chosen by the Journal of Magnetic Resonance for their March 2021 cover. This study is important because it enables long-term NMR 1D and 2D data collection on biomolecules at sub-micromolear concentration, paving the way to their study in extremely dilute cell-like environments. Hanming’s work leads to increases in nuclear magnetic resonance sensitivity for the detection of aromatic compounds by up to 100%  in liquids, relative to reference hyperpolarization experiments lacking reductive radical quenchers. 

Congratulations, Hanming, cool discovery!!! 🤩


January 2021

Valeria has been promoted to Assistant Scientist in the Cavagnero group. Congratulations, Valeria, we are so excited and honored to have you with us! 


December 2020

Meranda has won 2nd place in the 2021 Chemistry Department Holiday Baking Context. Way to go, Meranda, on this delicious achievement! 

Valeria was selected to give an oral presentation at the 2021 Midwest Chaperone and Stress Response Meeting on her work on ribosome-nascent protein interactions. Way to go, Valeria, congratulations! 


November 2020

First-year graduate students Shaneen-Britton-Acevedo and Clayton Mickles join the Cavagnero group. Welcome to our team, we are delighted to have you on board!!! 

Meranda and Rachel’s abstracts have been selected for oral presentations of their research  on protein folding at the ribosome exit tunnel at the next Biophysical Society Meeting in February 2021. Valeria, Rachel and Chelsea have won a Virtual Travel Award to present their work on ribosome-nascent-protein interactions at the Biophysical Society Meeting in February 2021. Congratulations girls, well done!!! 


October 2020

Matt and Andrew accepted fantastic job offers at CATALENT (R&D scientist, and the University of Milwaukee (postdoc with Prof. Erica Young), respectively. Congratulations


July 2020

Rayna and coworkers published a cover article in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B showing that the bacterial ribosome enhances nascent-protein solubility but it is not sufficient to guarantee full structural accuracy of de-novo synthesized (and ribosome-released) proteins. This work also shows that kinetic channeling upon release from the ribosome is very sensitive to the amino acid sequence of nascent proteins. So, even single-point mutations that do not alter the structure and thermodynamic stability of the native state can have a dramatic effect on the yield of soluble and insoluble aggregate formation upon release from the ribosome. Cool results, Rayna and friends!!! 


May 2020

Chelsea and Wanting are the recipients of the prestigious UW-Madison Biochemistry Summer Research Awards!!! We are so proud of you, girls!!

We are excited to announce that Kevin has received a Chemistry Summer Research Scholarship and the Edwin M. and Kathryn M. Summer Research Scholarship. He has also received the Hilldale Research Award for the 2020-21 academic year. Congratulations! 

Please join us in congratulating Jasmine for receiving the Robert Franklin Taylor Scholarship (Fall 2020) and an NSF REU Fellowship (Summer 2020). Great job, Jasmine

We are proud to share the news that Anna has received the Eugene and Patricia Kreger Hersher Scholarship for the Summer of 2020 and the Hilldale Research Fellowship for the 2020-21 academic year. Many congratulations to you, Anna!!! 


March 2020

I am excited to announce that Hanming was awarded the 2020 Paul J. Bender Memorial Award for his research on laser-assisted NMR and Miranda was awarded the 2020 Robert C. Doban Mentorship Award for mentoring Natalie on research on molecular chaperones. Great job, Miranda and Hanming: we are very proud of you!!! 

Join me in congratulating Kevin for winning a Poster Award at the 2020 ASBMB Undergraduate Research Conference. You wowed us, great job Kevin!!! 

I am delighted to announce that Meranda has received the 2020 Straka Award, which is awarded annually to only 1 graduate student in the entire UW-Madison Campus community.  This is  truly amazing. Well done, Meranda!!!


February 2020

Meranda  has been chosen to receive a Research Poster Presentation Award at the Biophysical Society (BPS) Annual Meeting in February 2020 in San Diego, CA. Congratulations on receiving this special honor, Meranda!!! 


December 2019

Valeria was selected to give an oral presentation at the 25th Annual Stress Response and Molecular Chaperone Meeting at Northwestern University in January 2020. Way to go Valeria, and heartfelt wishes of Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año to you!!! 

Undergraduate student Ningkun Zhou joins the Cavagnero group: A warm welcome to our science enterprise and Happy Holiday wishes from all of us, Ningkun!!! 

November 2019

Meranda  has been selected to receive a prestigious Travel Award by the Biophysical Society (BPS) to present her research at the BPS Annual Meeting in February 2020 in San Diego, CA. This is so special, kudos to you, Meranda!!! 

1st year graduate student Justin Dang joins the Cavagnero group: this is absolutely fantastic news. A heartfelt welcome to our team, Justin!!! 

We are glad to share that Clay has accepted a job at Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. (PPD).  Fantastic news, Clay!!


October 2019

We are delighted to announce that Hanming Yang has been selected to give an oral presentation at the CANMRDG NMR Conference here in Madison on Saturday November 2. Fantastic news, Hanming!!!

Congratulations to Rachel Hutchinson for being awarded a 2-year Graduate Research Fellowship by the UW-Madison TEAM Science Training Program.  Great work, Rachel!! 


September 2019

Congratulations to Matt Dalphin for winning the Best Research Talk Award at the UW-Madison 2019 Biophysics Colloquium and Symposium. Well done, Matt!!! 


May 2019

Kevin England has won the Ben and Ada Hake scholarship from the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation.  Way to go, Kevin!!! 

Congratulations to Natalie Feider for winning a Poster Presentation Prize at the Chemistry Poster Presentation.  Very well done, Natalie!!! 


April 2019

Miranda Mecha, has won the 2019 Chemistry Department Cookie Contest. Congratulations on this yummy award, Miranda!!! 

Congratulations to Kevin, for winning the 2019 Richard J. Boomer Student Support Fund from the Chemistry Department for summer research.  Great work, Kevin!!! 

Congratulations to Miriam and Natalie, who are being awarded the Eugene and Patricia Kreger Hersher Scholarship. Excellent work, Miriam and Natalie! 


March 2019

Congratulations to Tess Carlson, for winning the 2019 ACS Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry.  Great work, Tess!!

More great news…Matt Dalphin received a Dept. of Chemistry GSFLC Travel Award to attend the 2019 Biophysical Society Meeting (BPS).  At BPS, Matt gave an oral presentation and won the prestigious Biophysical Society SRAA Poster Award.  Great collection of achievements, Matt!!! 


February 2019

We are delighted to announce that Hanming Yang has been granted an ENC Travel Award to present his research on laser and LED-enhanced NMR at the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) this spring. Congratulations, Hanming!!! 


October 2018

Matt Dalphin has won the 2018-19 GSFLC Conference Travel Award!  Well done, Matt!!! 


May 2018

We are delighted to report that Kevin England and Stephanie Frost, were awarded an REU Summer Research fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Way to go, Stephanie and Kevin!!! 

Yoo-Jin Song and Tess Carlson have won the 2018 Chemistry Undergraduate Poster Award.  Their success is a testament of the amazing dedication to research that they have had over the years. Well done, Yoo-Jin and Tess!!! 

We are thrilled to announce Natalie Feider won the 2018 Welton L&S Honors Sophomore Summer Apprenticeship Award. Great Job, Natalie!!! 


April 2018

Please join us in congratulating Alex Staikos, for winning the prestigious 2018 UW-Madison Biochemistry Summer Research Award.  Very well done, Alex!!! 

We are proud to share the news that Matt Dalphin, is a winner of the PPG Mentoring Award. Many congratulations to you, Matt!!! 

It is a huge pleasure to announce that Tess Carlson, won both the prestigious Hilldale Research Award and the Chemistry Andrew Dorsey Memorial Scholarship. Way to go, Tess!!! 


November 2017

Matthew Dalphin is a recipient of the 2017 Educational Committee Travel Award to present his research at the 2018 Biophysical Society Meeting in San Francisco, California. Congratulations, Matt

Welcome to 1st year graduate students Meranda Masse, Clay Thompson and Rachel Hutchinson, who joined the Cavagnero group this month!!! 

Congratulations to Tess Carlson, for winning the Ralph B. Abrams scholarship from UW-Madison College of Letters and Science. Way to go, Tess!!! 


April 2017

Congratulations to the Cavagnero group alumnus Bryan Mounce, who has become an Assistant Professor at the Medical School of Loyola University (Department of Microbiology and Immunology), Chicago, IL. Congratulations, Bryan

Congratulations to the Matthew Dalphin – Alex Staikos graduate-undergraduate student pair for wining the Stephen D. Morton mentorship award. Very well done!! 

Congratulations to Susanna Yaeger-Weiss and Andrew Wittman for winning a UW-Madison Hilldale Research Award. You are the best!! 

Research advisor Silvia Cavagnero receives the University Housing Honored Instructor Award. Good job, Silvia

We are excited to report that Susanna Yaeger-Weiss, Collin Goebel and Tess Carlson won the Martha Gunhild Week Research Scholarship (Susanna), the  Wayland E. Noland Chemistry Research Scholarship (Collin), and UW-Madison Sophomore Research Fellowship (Tess). Very cool achievements. Congratulations


March 2017

Congratulations to Tess Carlson, the 1st author of a cover article in the Journal of Chemical Education on a new method for the naked-eye detection of protein folding and unfolding via the bright-blue fluorescence of a noncovalently-bound reporter dye. Protein folding has never been so colorful! 



February 2017

Research advisor Silvia Cavagnero received the UW-Madison Award for Mentoring Undergraduates in Research, Scholarly and Creative activities. Way to go, Silvia

Congratulations to Miranda Mecha for winning the Chemistry Cookie Contest with her signature Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Cookie Dough recipe.  Great Work, Miranda!!! 


December 2016

Even more fabulous news…Rayna Addabbo has been selected to give an oral presentation at the 22nd Annual Midwest Stress Response and Molecular Chaperone Meeting in Evanston, IL in January 2017: Congratulations, Rayna

1st year graduate student Hao-Che Wang joins the Cavagnero group. We are thrilled to have you on board, Hao-Che! 


November 2016

Rayna Addabbo has been selected to give an oral presentation at the Protein Stability, Chaperones and Folding Session of the Biophysical Society Meeting in New Orleans, LA in February 2017: Super-cool, Rayna

1st year graduate student Hanming Yang joins the Cavagnero group. Welcome to our team, Hanming! 

Tess Carlson’s 2016 article on a new method to “see” protein folding and unfolding with your bare eyes has been selected as a cover article by the Journal of Chemical Education. Very well done, Tess


August 2016

Rayna Addabbo was awarded a UW-Madison Dissertation Completion Graduate Fellowship. Wonderful achievement, Rayna


July 2016

Miranda Mecha was awarded a Graduate Fellowship form the Molecular Biophysics Training Program. Way to go, Miranda


April 2016

Ani Srivastava has been awarded a UW-Madison Hilldale Fellowship to carry our experimental studies on cotranslational protein folding in the Cavagnero lab. Congrats, Ani!!!

Alumnus Jung Ho Lee (now postdoc at NIH with Ad Bax) has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Chemistry of Seoul National University. Way to go, Jung Ho!

Research advisor Silvia Cavagnero has been selected to become an Honorary Member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. The award will be officially granted during a Ceremony on April 17 2016. Nice achievement, Silvia!

Congratulations to Tess for winning the prestigious American Society Hach Land Undergraduate Scholarship. This award is granted to one UW-Madison undergraduate student majoring in Chemistry (or a related field) who expresses an interest in becoming a high-school chemistry teacher. The Hach Foundation provides up to $10,000 per academic year for six years while the student pursues BS and MS degrees. Great job, Tess!


March 2016

Collin Goebel has been awarded a Biochemistry Fellowship to pursue research on molecular chaperones in the summer 2016. Way to go, Collin!

Susanna Yaeger-Weiss won three awards: the Karen M. Telander Undergraduate Research Scholarship to pursue summer research on prion folding and aggregation in the Cavagnero group, the UW-Madison Student-Support-in-Chemistry Scholarship, and the Margaret McLean Bender Scholarship. Wonderful achievements, Susanna!

Yusuke Okuno was awarded the Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Student Travel Award to attend the ENC NMR Conference in April 2016. Yusuke was also selected to deliver an oral presentation on his research on NMR sensitivity enhancement in solution mediated by heavy atoms at the ENC Conference, as part of the Suraj P. Manrao Symposium for Young Scientists.  Congrats Yusuke, nice job, and enjoy the Conference!


February 2016

Rayna Addabbo wins a Student Research Achievement Award (SRAA) for her poster presentation on the kinetics of protein folding upon release from the ribosome, at the 60th Biophysical Society Meeting in Los Angeles, California. Wow, very cool, Rayna, keep up with the great presentation skills and interesting research results!

Former group member Margarita Santiago obtains a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico, Comprehensive Cancer Center. Congratulations, Margarita, on this exciting next step in your career!


December 2015

Miranda Mecha joins the Cavagnero group. Miranda: we are all really excited to welcome you to our team!


November 2015

Andrew Fuchs is a recipient of the 2016 Educational Committee Travel Award to present his research on the interaction of nascent proteins with the ribosomal surface at the 2016 Biophysical Society Meeting in Los Angeles, California. Congratulations, Andrew!

Former postdoctoral fellow Valeria Guzman-Luna won the Award for the “Best Oral Presentation”, after her lecture based on the work that she did in our lab on Protein Folding on the Ribosome, at the 4th International Workshop on the Frontiers in Protein Folding, Evolution and Function in Oaxaca, Mexico. Muy bien, Valeria!


October 2015

Yusuke Okuno has been invited to deliver an oral presentation on his research in Laser-enhanced NMR at the 2015 Chicago Area NMR Discussion Group Conference (CANMRDG), which will take place on November 7 at at AbbVie Inc. Headquarters in Lake Bluff, IL. Great job, Yusuke!


March 2015

Yusuke Okuno is awarded A Student Travel Grant to present his research in Laser-enhanced NMR Spectroscopy at the 2015 Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference in Asilomar, California.  Great job, Yusuke!


February 2015

Rayna Adabbo wins a Student Research Achievement Award (SRAA) in Biopolymers in Vivo for her presentation on cotranslational protein folding kinetics at the 2015 Biophysical Society Meeting.  Well done, congratulations Rayna!


January 2015

Matt Dalphin joins the Cavagnero group as a 1st year Biophysics graduate student. Welcome to our group Matt! We look forward to fabulous science with you!


November 2014

Andrew Fuchs joins the Cavagnero group as a 1st year Biophysics graduate student. Welcome Andrew! We are looking forward to exciting research with you!


June 2014

Christopher Hughes is awarded the Chemistry-Biology Interface Graduate Training Fellowship. Congratulations Chris!


May 2014

Teddy Jennaro is awarded the REU NSF Fellowship and Jenna Becker wins the UW-Madison Hilldale Award, both for computational studies on protein folding. Great work Teddy and Jenna!


November 2013

1st year Chemistry graduate students Christopher Hughes and Zhihui Yao join the Cavagnero group. Welcome to the group Christopher and Zhihui, we are looking forward to great science together!


September 2013

Andrew Fuchs is awarded a Research Fellowship from CONACYT to present his research results at the 3rd US-Mexico workshop of Protein folding and Dynamics in Guanajuato, Mexico in November 2013.  Congratulations Andrew!


August 2013

SRP NSF research student Gelson Pagan ends his summer project on laser-driven NMR method development. Great job Gelson!

Jung Ho Lee earns his PhD in Biophysics with a Thesis on laser-driven NMR sensitivity enhancement and NMR-detected chaperone-assisted protein folding.  Congrats Jung Ho!


June 2013

Teddy Jennaro and Jenna Becker join the Cavagnero group. Welcome to our team!


May 2013

Jung Ho Lee publishes a cover article in J. Phys. Chem B on a novel enzyme system to achieve unprecedented sensitivity and enable long-term data collection in laser-driven NMR via photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) in solution.

Anders Knight wins the UW-Madison Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry. We are proud of you Anders!


April 2013

Brian Arnold wins the UW-Madison Hilldale Award to carry out studies on protein folding on the ribosome. Allison Zhang and Anders Knight won the Martha Gunhild-Weeks and the Richard Fischer Undergraduate Scholarships, respectively.  Cool achievements, congratulations!


March 2013

1st year graduate student Angela Varela is awarded an NSF graduate fellowship to pursue research on protein folding in cell and cell-like environments. Way to go Angela!

Yue Liu from the University of Maryland joins the Cavagnero group as a postdoc. Welcome to the team Yue!


February 2013

Yusuke Okuno won a travel award to present his research at the ENC NMR conference in Pacific Grove, CA. Congratulations, Yusuke!


January 2013

Andrew Fuchs, a graduate of UW-Whitewater, joins the Cavagnero Group. Welcome to the group Andrew!


December 2012

Jon Lang won a  Charles H. and Shirley A. Stammer Scholarship, and Jung Ho Lee won a GSFLC Travel Award to attend a scientific conference. Great job guys!


November 2012

Jung Ho Lee gave an oral presentation at the CANMRDG conference on his research of photochemically enhanced NMR method development.

Also, Jung Ho Lee and Rayna Addabbo won a Travel Award by the Biophysical Society to present their research at the Biophysical Society Meeting in Philadelphia (PA), in February 2013.    Wow, nice job, and congratulations Rayna and Jung Ho!

1st year Biophysics graduate student Angela Varela joins the Cavagnero group. We are delighted to have you with us Angela…looking forward to doing amazing science together!


July 2012

Anders Knight is awarded a Schleifer scholarship from the College of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Congrats Anders!


May 2012

Anders Knight is awarded a UW-Madison prize for his Chemistry Research Poster presentation.  2nd year graduate student Arelys Rosado is awarded a UW-Madison 1yr Biotechnology Trainee (BTP) fellowship. Well done Anders and Arelys!


April 2012

1st year graduate student Rayna Addabbo is awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship. Jon Lang and Anders Knight win a Chemistry Scholarship and the 2012 Hilldale Research Fellowship.  Congratulations everyone, these are awesome achievements!


January 2012

2nd year graduate student Rudy Clausen successfully meets the requirements for a Master’s degree in biophysics. Congrats Rudy and best of luck to you!


November 2011

1st year graduate students Yusuke Okuno and Rayna Addabbo join the Cavagnero group. We are delighted to have you join our team and look forward to exciting research with you!

Nese Kurt leaves the group to start a Research Assistant Professor position at the University of Massachusetts Worcester. Best of luck to you Nese, and thanks for all the great research and mentoring in our lab!


October 2011

Chemistry graduate student Daria Fedyukina wins the 3rd prize in the Research Competition organized by the GWIS Graduate Women in Science organization. Great job, Dasha🙂


July 2011

Chemistry graduate student Daria Fedyukina is awarded the Ruth Dickie Research Scholarship to support her studies on protein folding on the ribosome.


June 2011

Dan Baum leaves the group to start graduate school at UC Berkeley. Thanks for all your research and teaching contributions to the group, Dan.


May 2011

Peter Culviner is awarded the Dean’s Prize and Dan Baum receives an Outstanding Poster Award at the UW-Madison Chemistry Department’s undergraduate poster session. Nice achievements guys!


April 2011

Yufan Wu receives a Hilldale Research Award for her studies on protein folding/aggregation energy landscapes and Dasha Fedyukina receives a UW-Madison Chemical Biology award for her studies on protein folding on the ribosome. Congratulations girls, well done!


March 2011

Karla Esquilin Lebron from the University of Puerto Rico receives an IBS-SRP Summer Research Fellowship to carry out studies on protein folding in the cell in the Cavagnero group. Nice job, Karla.


February 2011

Senapathy Rajagopalan and Nese Kurt publish a cover article in the Biophysical Journal on the High Resolution Conformation and Backbone Dynamics of a Soluble Aggregate of Apomyoglobin119


December 2010

Ashok Sekhar gets his Ph.D on photo-CIDNP sensitivity enhancement methods in NMR and the role of the Hsp70 chaperone in protein folding. Way to go Ashok!


November 2010

Jennifer Kraninger wins the “The Same and Not the Same” contest on Chemical Chirality by the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy. Wonderful achievement Jennifer!

1st year graduate students Rudy Clausen and Arelys Rosado join the group. Welcome to our team, Arelys and Rudy, we are happy to have you on board.


September 2010

Dasha Fedyukina and coworkers publish a cover article in the Biophysical Journal on the Contribution of Long-Range Interactions to the Secondary Structure of an Unfolded Globin.


September 2008

Jamie Ellis and coworkers publish a cover article in ACS Chemical Biology on the Chain Dynamics of Nascent Polypeptides Emerging from the Ribosome.