March 2022

Quadruple congratulations to Jasmine for being awarded the Martha Gunhild Week Scholarship, the Martha Gunhild Week Summer Scholarship, the Ieva L. Reich Undergraduate Scholarship and the Karen M. Telander Undergraduate Research Award. Fantastic job, Jasmine!  enlightened

Congratulations to Kaela and Lucas, who won the 2022 Margaret McLean Bender Scholarship and the Dempsky Scholarship, respectively. Well done, Kaela and Lucas!  enlightened

Many congratulations to Rachel for winning the 2022 Ina S. and Stanley B. Mirviss Mentor Award, recognizing Rachel’s exceptional mentoring skills. Congrats to Chelsea too, who nominated Rachel for this award. Well done, Rachel and Chelsea!  enlightened

Congratulations to Jasmine Machhi for the honor of presenting her research project on protein folding in the presence of the Hsp70 molecular chaperone at the “Research in the Rotunda” event, this month. The “Research in the Rotunda” activities were held at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison (WI) and were attended by STEM scholars, non-science-oriented legislators, as well as by top University officials and Wisconsin state leaders. Well done, Jasmine!  yes